1. Ps1 Emulator For Linux

Hello there, A while back I released an instructable on getting PCSX up and running in Snow Leopard, I have since found a more stable/ and quite frankly all round better program, PCSX-Reloaded. In my case, it has been alot more reliable and easier to use with still more features.

So here is a tutorial on getting PCSX-Reloaded up and running:) QUICK NOTE: If you followed my previous instructable about installing PCSX, before you begin this, drag your current PCSX from your applications to the trash and empty. Now, if you haven't already, go ahead and unzip pcsxr-1.9.92-macosx.zip, inside is the application. Now drag the 'PCSX' file into your applications folder. (If you followed my previous instructable go on to the next step here) Next, if you haven't also already, unzip PSX BIOS PACK.zip and there is a folder with the BIOS you need. Now select all the files inside that folder (Picture 1) And put them inside this folder. YOUR USERNAME (e.g.

Spikematthewspadley) Library Application Support Pcsx Bios So your result should be something like Picture 2. Hey man, I'm running 10.6.8 Mac OS X Snow Leopard, plenty of drive space and memory. I used this program before the older version, and it worked great. I love being able to play Metal Gear Solid on this thing, however I am unable to beat the part that requires the user to plug the controller from port one to port two lol. Is there any way to do this? My other question was the last version couldn't play the original Resident Evil, can this version play it?

Ps1 Emulator For Linux

Where can i download psx emulator for mac pcWhere

All of my games are original PS1 CD Roms. Thanks so much man, this is an awesome emulator to play old games without having to re-buy the platform. I'm a noob at this. I just put this emulator on my brand new MacBook pro. I've used emulators for systems like NES and SNES, but I'm told using a Playstation one is more complex. I found a place to download PS games, but I'm told I need to have iso's to play them on the emulator or something?

And they need to be done some special way to make the machine think they're cd's? I downloaded one PS game. It was a.rar file, which opened into one.cue file and one.bin.ecm file. I don't know what to do with them.

In case you hadn't guessed, I have no idea what I'm doing at this point. Any help is appreciated. I found out how to play them, got my FF8 going. Just get a program called UnRarX, from unrarx.com (only takes a couple of seconds to download). Open it up and select 'browse' button in top right corner, then pick your game or.rar file.

Press 'extract' button, also in top right corner. Once it has extracted, run PCSX choose run iso and pick the game, all should be good. Game file should now look like a zip file rather than a blank piece of paper. Hope this helps, i just got lucky with finding this i think.