Ice has a temperature of below 0 degrees centigrade (it starts to move into the liquid state at 0). The coldest known substance is liquid helium, which has a temperature of -272 degrees centigrade. The coldest temperature possible is -273 degrees centigrade, which is when all atomic/molecular vibrations stop completely. Temperature is a measurement of the rate at which these atomic/molecular vibrations happen, so when these vibrations stop the temperature cannot get any lower. For this reason, -273 degrees centigrade is the coldest point on the Kelvin scale of temperature (0 degrees Kelvin) and is referred to as 'absolute zero'. Dry Ice is frozen carbon dioxide, a normal part of our earth's atmosphere. It is the gas that we exhale during breathing and the gas that plants use in photosynthesis.
It is also the same gas commonly added to water to make soda water. Dry Ice is particularly useful for freezing, and keeping things frozen because of its very cold temperature: -109.3°F or -78.5°C. Dry Ice is widely used because it is simple to freeze and easy to handle using insulated gloves. Dry Ice changes directly from a solid to a gas -sublimation- in normal atmospheric conditions without going through a wet liquid stage. Therefore it gets the name 'dry ice.' .
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Ice can be much colder than that. All the way down to absolute zero! Water freezes at 32 degrees F, but once frozen it can be any temperature lower than that. If ice at 32 degrees in contact with an object that is at a much lower temperature. The heat will then flow from the ice to the cold er object. The ice will then get colder.
The physical properties of the water would have to change to allow the drop in temperature. Increase pressure, change in chemical structure (like with salt), or speed of cooling some ways.
Water in a home freezer set at 10 degrees will still only cool to 32 degree.